BaseBar Review: NEW Portable Pull Up Bar (No Mounting!)
I recently debuted BaseBlock’s new freestanding BaseBar portable pull up bar in my last video. To my surprise, many of you had quite a few questions about the BaseBar. So, I decided to do a BaseBar review to answer all your burning questions. With that said, here you go!
Some (Simple) Assembly Required
Now, most exercise equipment requires hours of labor with all those parts…talk about a workout. But the BaseBar is different as there’s not much to it.
I mean, when my box arrived, there were two T-shaped bars, one U-shaped bar, grenade click pins and rubber feet. That was it besides the small pamphlet it came with. But you don’t really need the pamphlet as the assembly is so simple (a five-year-old could do it).
When you’re first starting out, the real answer lies in simplicity. All you have to do is turn the U-bar upside down (pipes facing up) and insert the T-bars into the sides of the U-bar. Then, once the T-bars are in, you insert the click pins into the holes. The whole thing literally takes three minutes or less before you slap those rubber feet on. And there… you’re finished.
I want to take this moment to be completely transparent since this is a full review. I’ve partnered with BaseBlocks for an awesome deal. Right now, you can go over to and get 10% OFF your purchase by using my promo code MINUS10 at checkout! You can buy any BaseBlocks calisthenics equipment with my code.
With that out of the way, I promise not to be biased as I give you all the pros, cons and neutral comments I have about it even as a BaseBlocks affiliate… No holds barred! (sorry for the pun) So, let’s move on with the rest of the review.
Is It Stable?
Even though the BaseBar may look flimsy and unstable… it’s not. It’s good, sturdy quality and quite a large pull-up bar with a matte finish and rough surface. That’s great if you’re looking for a pull-up bar with a good grip. Plus, you don’t have to mount it (as implied by the title). All you have to do is place it on the floor and start your workout routine.
A great thing about it is some pretty fat bars, which is great for developing crazy grip strength. The 2/ 2 ½ inch bar is the best part especially if you want to practice your calisthenics. This thickness is good because the thicker the bar, the harder it is to grip. You can build lots of grip strength when using BaseBar. I mean you’re unlikely to encounter similar bars even at calisthenic parks, fitness parks or gyms.
Using the BaseBar to do calisthenics is unlike any pull up bar you've ever experienced.
What Exercises Can You Do on the BaseBar (or More Importantly, What Can’t You Do)
One of the best things about the BaseBar is that its height-adjustable to two different heights: 33" (84 cm) and 50" (127 cm). This becomes a factor once you start using it. It’s really sturdy on high and low settings. But I do have some advice. Don’t do any kipping, leaning muscle ups or anything like that – it’s not designed for those types of exercises.
Surprisingly, it’s rock-solid on the low setting. The BaseBar is great for straight bar dips and pushing exercises. It’s even okay to use it for stretching, incline push-ups or something similar. BaseBlocks does not promote it for any push-up exercises at this setting, so take that as you will. This setting is ideal for horizontal pulling exercises (bodyweight rows, straight leg, bent leg, and all the different variations).
Another way to use the lower setting is for doing front lever progressions. This depends on your arm length… the longer the reach, the more you can use it for those exercises. Again… this isn’t recommended or promoted by BaseBlocks in this setting.
Front lever progressions can be done at BaseBar’s high setting. This height is more ideal for vertical pulling exercises (chin-ups, pull-ups). But due to the lowness of the bar, you can work up to a basic chin up or pull up by keeping your feet on the floor for assistance when working on progressions. This is great for beginners. You can gradually build strength before going to one or two legs.
At either setting, you can use it for training rows, pull-ups, chin-ups and levers - pretty much all your pull training in one simple yet amazing piece of equipment.
You Can Take It Anywhere
The portability factor is especially fun for working out at different places. That makes it handy for anyone who does a lot of traveling on the road or going between places (like driving to your summer home, for example). It collapses down into 3 pieces and can fit easily into a car trunk. Mobile exercising is necessary for today’s climate as we all look for ways to go outside - safely.
BaseBlocks says you can do up to 20+ exercises, but you can do a lot more than that. You can do more powerful exercises like explosive chin-ups, which is recommended.
So, Here’s the Downside...
But I stand by my first warning… you shouldn’t do any kipping exercises. It’s not built for that. It will wobble if you try to go back and forth too much. Now, I know earlier I mentioned how stable the BaseBar is, but even the best of the best has their limit. No amount of exercise is worth you going to an emergency room. So, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
A major downside to the BaseBar is that virtually every exercise you do is going to be hip flexion (knees and thighs raised from the ground). These types of exercises make you create an L-shape (like sitting).
I mean you already spend most of your day in that position (at our desk in front of a computer, sit in a car, sit on the couch). Remember we – humans – already have shortened and tight flexors so these types of exercises aren’t exactly ideal. So, before you start exercising on the BaseBar, I would suggest you stretch your hip flexors a lot. Stretching will keep your hips from being fatigued during your workout.
My Final Thoughts on the BaseBar
So, if you ask if I would recommend the BaseBar from BaseBlocks, I would say yes. I would recommend it to anyone who is in the market for a freestanding, height-adjustable pull-up bar. If you want something to use in your home, then the BaseBar is great. I mean if you need to travel, a portable pull bar is great for going between places or taking it to the park. Then, BaseBar is your answer.
I mean it’s great equipment. It’s sturdy and high-quality. It’s absolutely worth it. Overall, I'm beyond satisfied with the BaseBar, and I think it's the best piece of equipment so far from BaseBlocks.
Just remember to use MINUS10 on BaseBlocks’ website if you loved this review and want to try the BaseBar for yourself.
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